Extended Care and School Clubs

We offer an extended school day, from 7.45am – 6pm.

Breakfast Club

We offer a free breakfast club to all children from 7.45am – 8.30am, and this is available on a drop-in basis. Please bring your child to the school office from 7.45am if you would like to use this free service. Our breakfast club team will ensure your child gets to their class by 8.30am.

After School Clubs

Tea Time Club is our after school provision and it is available every day from 3pm until 6pm. It costs £12 per child per day for a full session or £5 for 3pm-4pm and £7 for 4pm-6pm. There is a range of activities to choose from and a light snack is provided. The club is run by our own school staff who know your child – so offers a welcoming and relaxing way to spend the hours after the school day. Our Tea Time Club staff are Maria Bennett (School Business Manager) and play workers Yodit Meleake, Alison Japul and Lorcan Bennett.

To view the activities available in our After School Tea Time Club, click on the link below:

Booking is possible up to 3.00 pm each day and can be done by logging in to Magic Booking using this link https://stpetersandstpauls.magicbooking.co.uk If you do not yet have an account – you can use this link to create one.

Prices are as follows: Full time place (between 3-6pm) is £12
Part time place: between 3-4pm is £5 or between or 4-6pm is £7

The after school club telephone number is 07958 477 654 and email address is extendedschool@stpetersandstpauls.islington.sch.uk

Kids in2 Sports

We offer a range of sports enrichment clubs which families can pay for. These run every day between 3pm and 4pm in school. Below is a list of what sports are offered. For more information please contact the school office.

  • Monday – KS1 Football
  • Tuesday – Multisports for KS2
  • Wednesday – KS2 Tennis
  • Thursday – Multisports for KS1
  • Friday – KS2 Football
One Family

We are one family who look after and help each other.

We have 5 core values: love, truth, forgiveness, giving and understanding.



Jesus wants us to love one another as he has loved us.

Truth Two Color


We can move forward more easily when we are truthful with each other.

Forgiveness Icon Heart


When we forgive one another, we can renew our friendships.

Giving Icon


We think of others without expecting something in return.

Understanding Yellow


We make an effort to learn about and appreciate other people.

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