The Little School House Fundraising Open Morning

Come along on Saturday 29 March from 10am – 12pm to find out about our exciting new facility. Refreshments and raffle!

Fundraising open morning, Saturday 29 March, 10am – 12pm

All welcome. Please come along! Refreshments will be provided. To help us plan for numbers, please click here to let us know if you will be coming.

We’d like to tell you more about our Little School House – a new development in St Peter’s and St Paul’s which will benefit both the school and the wider community.

We have raised enough funds to renovate the old School House to be opened as a newly refurbished Nursery for 2-year-olds shortly after Easter. This is Phase 1.

We now need to raise an extra £20,000 to complete Phases 2 and 3 which will create a new outside area for the children and, eventually, therapy and education rooms for parent education.

We’d be so happy if you could help us.

You can donate on the day or in one of the following ways:

  • Through ParentPay – just one click away!
  • Using our Fundraising Page LinkBrick by Brick: Help Fund Our Schoolhouse Renovation | SuperKind
  • By standing order or bank transfer to the school account:
    Bank: Barclays
    Account Name: St. Peter and St. Paul Disbursement Account
    Sort Code: 20-00-00
    Account Number: 93562581
  • Cheque or cash to the School Office

Thank you for your generosity and support. Your contributions make a real difference to our children’s education and school environment.

One Family

We are one family who look after and help each other.

We have 5 core values: love, truth, forgiveness, giving and understanding.



Jesus wants us to love one another as he has loved us.

Truth Two Color


We can move forward more easily when we are truthful with each other.

Forgiveness Icon Heart


When we forgive one another, we can renew our friendships.

Giving Icon


We think of others without expecting something in return.

Understanding Yellow


We make an effort to learn about and appreciate other people.

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