We are delighted that you are considering St Peter and St Paul’s for your child’s education. We know this is an important decision.
You can arrange individual tours of the school by emailing admissions@stpetersandstpauls.islington.sch.uk
Our results show we are top in Islington for results and 8th in London overall. Out of 22,102 primary schools in England, we came 61st which is an outstanding result. But academic results are only part of the picture. What we provide is a fully-rounded, family focussed environment which can offer sports as well as music lessons, chess and other activities to all children.
We are a small school. This allows us to also offer excellent pastoral care to our children and their families. We have established partnerships with Mental Health charities and an in-school commitment to learning mentoring and art therapy every week. By providing this holistic approach to your child’s education, we are able to support their emotions, behaviour and build their confidence. You can read more about what we do here.
If you are interested in learning more about St Peter and St Paul’s or require support throughout the admissions process, please do not hesitate to call our Admissions team on 020 7253 0839 or email admissions@stpetersandstpauls.islington.sch.uk
St Peter and St Paul’s has close links to St Peter and St Paul’s parish church, St Peter’s Italian church and Church of St Joseph’s in Bunhill Row parish. Catholic life is at the heart of our school and our staff work hard to develop and support the faith of each child who attends.
The Admissions Process
At St Peter and St Paul’s, we follow an Admissions Process (below).
1. Visit
You can arrange a visit to our school by telephoning our Admissions team on 020 7253 0839 or email Maria Bennett or Katie Hankins on admin@stpetersandstpaul.islington.sch.uk
2. Register
Please register your interest in our school by completing our Supplementary Information Form below.
For Catholic applicants please complete the additional form below
3. Applying for a place in Reception
All applications for places in our Reception class must go to the London Borough of Islington Admissions for a school place (Islington residents)
Dates and deadlines for starting in September 2025
15 January 2025 is the deadline to submit your online application and social medical application.
19 April 2025: offers sent by email
2 May 2025: the deadline to accept (or turn down) your school place
31 May 2025: you must send in any appeals by this date. You can appeal even if you’ve accepted the school place offered.
4. Applying for a place in Years 1-6
If you would like to apply for a place in Years 1-6, this is called an in-year admission, and this can be done at any point during the school year.
To apply for a place in our school, please complete an in-year application with Islington Council https://www.islington.gov.uk/children-and-families/schools/apply-for-a-school-place/apply-for-a-school-place-in-year
Then please also complete and return the Main School Supplementary Information Form, below. You can also download a hard copy of this form by clicking the link. Please return to school office once completed.