Some of our enrichment activities are linked very closely with the curriculum and some are offered to help develop the whole child. Everyone can find a passion in life, and we hope to help the children at our school find theirs.

Gardening Club
We are blessed with a wonderful garden which all the children are able to access for fun and games, as well as the hard work of planting and tending our crops! The garden offers space to reflect and relax as well as providing a valuable educational resource to help with our sustainability lessons.

Many different types of sport are on offer for all children to try – and we encourage even the smallest in our school to find a way to exercise which they enjoy. This will help make it a lifelong habit.

Chess Club
Our chess club runs every Thursday lunchtime and is well attended by children of all ages. The chess club members have started from scratch to build confidence and strategic thinking and are now at the stage of being invited to join in local chess competitions.

Learning an instrument is a wonderful skill and teaches children how to perform independently as well as part of a group. All classes have free music lessons on a Monday – plus we offer private tuition from The Guildhall School of Music and Drama at a reduced rate.