Every week, we come together as a school to appreciate all the wonderful things the children in our classes have been doing.
The children can receive a number of rewards – a Headteacher’s award for their achievements in lessons, a place at the Top Table for extracurricular and behavioural achievements and lastly, a cup of hot chocolate with the Headteacher during Friday break time for those children that are always working hard to be the best person they can be.
Well done to these children for showing our mission statement in their actions this week! They joined Miss Peters for a tasty hot chocolate!

Head Teacher Awards
This week’s awards for effort in their studies go to:
Pearl – Freddy and Brianna
Amethyst – Maciej and Annie
Coral – Alessia and Quinn
Diamond – Jaemarie and Miguel
Emerald – Josiah and Adetolou
Jet – Parfaite and Arsiema
Moonstone – Laila and Lena-Rose
Ruby – Lois and Kiplianna
Sapphire – Selena and Jonathan
This week the attendance cup was won for the first time by Coral (Reception Class) with an amazing 98%!
Emerald Class won the punctuality cup with only 1 late. Well done also to Year 2!