There are lots of local activities for families to do with children in the local area. You can find out more on the Islington Life website
Over the course of the school year, we work with many local businesses and organisations in our community to develop meaningful partnerships. Here are just some of the projects we are involved in.
Sustainability projects with Fiecon
Local company Fiecon are working with us and are giving us the knowledge and expertise of their sustainability director to help us develop some projects. They have recently completed the planting of our sensory garden in the nursery. Even though it was a very wet day, 40 people came to help and brought loveliness to our school garden. Our Green Team children were involved in the planning for these gardens and were delighted to see the new water feature and plants, new compost bins and a much-improved pond area, as well as lovely wall art. A big thank you to all involved.

STEAM Mentoring Programme
We are delighted to be partnering with SoapBox Youth Project and Local Village Network (LVN) for a second year, to deliver their STEAM Mentoring programme with Year 5.

STEAM Mentoring is an innovative and original programme, funded by the GLA, which inspires and encourages young people to aim for careers in the STEAM industry, such as engineering, medicine, graphic design and technology. We do this by bringing in volunteers who work in a range of STEAM careers to run a series of 6 interactive and fun one-hour sessions, alongside an experienced LVN colleague.

Year 5 teacher Finonnuala Gormley told us that she has enjoyed seeing the children ‘being so interested in the speakers and seeing them realise that they can follow their dreams.’ The whole class certainly seem to be enjoying the sessions too… here’s what some children had to say:
‘I enjoyed learning about all the different types of doctors that there are, and it has inspired me to be a doctor…’
‘In the session we talked about technology involved in VR and as a result, I want to be a programmer when I grow up.’
‘They taught us that we can do our dream job and how we are able to accomplish it.’
In addition to this, we work with the following local organisations to deliver all sorts of fun and learning for the children.
- Greggs
- Islington Big Alliance
- Kingsley Napley
- Air BNB
- Business2Schools
- Reach Out
- City University
- London Youth
- Islington Council – Bright Start
- Parishes (SSPP, St Josephs, St Peter Italian)
There is also a free publication called Family First which covers everything you and your family need in order to build a happier and healthier lifestyle. It has loads of tips and informaiton on how to get children & young adults active, playing more sport, exercising regularly, and eating healthily. You can download a copy of this magazine by clicking here.