Useful Links

In this section, you will find help and guidance on what support is available locally.

Reminder to working parents to apply for your childcare code.

Click here to apply for free childcare if you are working.

Up to 15 hours childcare per week for your child between 9 months until they turn 3 years old, over 38 weeks of the year.
Up to 30 hours childcare per week for your 3 or 4 year old, over 38 weeks of the year.

The deadline to apply for a code is 31 March to use the support from April. You will then need to reconfirm your code every 3 months on your GOV.UK account.

Islington School Health Team

This team which is made up of qualified nurses, nursing associates and health care assistants, working across education and health with the aim of supporting you and the school in improving the health and wellbeing of children and young people within Islington.

The types of things you can discuss with us include

  • Sleep routines
  • Dental health
  • Toileting routines including bedwetting and soiling.
  • Diet and nutrition including fussy eating or concern about weight.
  • Infections including management of head lice and threadworms.
  • Body changes and puberty
  • Emotional health of your child or yourself
  • Support in managing health issues that impact on attendance.
  • Worried about school and COVID
  • Healthy lifestyle

You can access the school health team via the letter below, or via the website

Parents and Carers can contact the Islington Family Information Service (FIS) for free, impartial information, advice and guidance for families with children aged 0-25, including childcare and free early education, play and things to do, family support and money advice. Their phone number is 020 7527 5959 or you can email to 

Bright Start Islington: Start for Life, children’s centres and Family Hubs covers services for under-fives and their families and includes their Start for Life and Family Hubs offer.

Bright Start Quick Tips

This is a free newsletter from the Islington Early Years and Childcare Team and Bright Start Partners. You can read the latest version and sign up for it to be sent to you, by clicking here.

Ideas and support for 2 year olds

BBC’s Tiny Happy People provide a wealth of information and ideas to support you to develop high quality interactions with your child, which will help them develop their language and communication skills. 

Help with childcare costs

 You can get help paying for childcare if it’s provided by an ‘approved childcare’ provider. These are:

  • a registered childminder, nanny, play scheme, nursery or club
  • a childminder or nanny with a registered childminder agency or childcare agency
  • a registered school
  • a home care worker working for a registered home care agency

You may be able to get free childcare if you’re working

If you live in England, you can apply for free childcare. The amount you can get depends on:

  • your child’s age and circumstances
  • whether you’re working (employed, self-employed, or a director)
  • your income (and your partner’s income, if you have one)
  • your immigration status

To check if you are eligible, click here

If you’ve already registered, you can sign in to your childcare account.

If you claim certain benefits, you may be eligible for free education and childcare for 2 year olds.

If you are a student, you can claim for a Student Childcare Grant

To apply for a Childcare Grant follow these steps:

  1. Apply online as part of your main student finance application.
  1. Send in evidence. You’ll be told what evidence you need to provide when you apply.
  1. You’ll be sent a letter telling you how much Childcare Grant you’ll get.
  1. Create an online account with the Childcare Grant Payment Service (CCGPS). You’ll get an email telling you how to set one up. Your grant will be paid into this account.

Use the paper form instead if you:

  • have already applied for student finance but didn’t apply for a childcare grant at the same time
  • want to apply for another child

You can download the form from the student finance form finder.

If you are working, you may be able to claim Tax-Free Childcare.

Click here to check if you are eligible:

We’ve also put together some additional useful links below.


Parenting Smart videos from Place2be

Go to website


Charlie Waller Mental Health Resources provides a family pack to support parents with children with mental health issues.

Go to website


Oxford Owl for Home – Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home

Go to website


Reading Zone

Go to website


Language Angels

Go to website


Islington Life

Go to website


Islington Life Facebook Page

Go to website


Time Table Rock Stars

Go to website


Islington FIS, Family Information Service

Go to website

Image011 website

Go to website


Diocese of Westminster

Go to website

One Family

We are one family who look after and help each other.

We have 5 core values: love, truth, forgiveness, giving and understanding.



Jesus wants us to love one another as he has loved us.

Truth Two Color


We can move forward more easily when we are truthful with each other.

Forgiveness Icon Heart


When we forgive one another, we can renew our friendships.

Giving Icon


We think of others without expecting something in return.

Understanding Yellow


We make an effort to learn about and appreciate other people.

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