At St Peter and St Paul’s, we promote a positive, can-do approach to learning, through which the pupils are able to feel confident exploring and developing their skills in Mathematics. We actively seek to dispel myths such as ‘some people just can’t do maths’, and aim to instil within every child an understanding of themselves as mathematicians.
We follow a mastery approach, building a strong foundation of understanding and a clear grasp of the number system, which follows each child throughout their mathematics education and underpins all the learning they do during their time in primary school and beyond.
How to use our Mathematics guidance:
The Curriculum Overview provides a broad sense of the structure of our Mathematics curriculum. It includes when each topic is being taught, and some basic information on the content. You will also find links to the resources that teachers use, as well as key vocabulary.
The Calculation Policy highlights the methods that we teach in relation to the four operations, fractions, decimals and percentages. Any method written in red is considered to be integral to our progression across year groups. The policy also shows what concrete and pictorial representations should be used.
The Core Knowledge Framework underlines progress points for crucial areas of mathematics that children must know in order to progress beyond the next check point. These include basic number knowledge (such as number bonds/times tables) as well as some key principles such as telling the time. Teachers can use this document as an assessment tool, and parents can use it to keep tabs on their child’s development in the basic elements of mathematics. The areas highlighted are strongly linked to fluency, which is only one of many assessment strands in our curriculum (see policy for more information).
The Mathematics Policy explains the guiding principles behind our approach, and details our intention when it comes to teaching high-quality mathematics lessons.
The Progression Documents are split into year groups, and detail the prior knowledge that children need to have from previous years, the objectives for that specific year groups, and the next steps that they will be taking the following year. This document helps teachers to prepare for teaching, by ensuring that they cover all prerequisite skills. They can also use the ‘next steps’ section at the end of a unit/year to assess pupils’ readiness for the next stage in their learning. All objectives in this document are taken from the National Curriculum.